angularjs - angular controllerAs(this) equivalent of $scope.$broadcast and $scope.on, -

according answer want fire event controller another

call method of controller controller using 'scope' in angularjs

$scope.$on("myevent", function (event, args) {    $scope.rest_id = args.username;    $scope.getmaincategories(); }); 

and in second controller you'd do

$scope.initrestid = function(){    $scope.$broadcast("myevent", {username: $scope.user.username }); }; 

but don't use $scope in application, controlleras , this. there way fire event without inject scope ? or should inject $scope anyway ?but read in answer using both scope , controlleras bad practice.

it's not possible register $emit or $broadcast event without $scope or $rootscope being injected in controller.

it indeed bad practice use $scope variables , functions since instance of controller injected inside $scope controlleras syntax.

but there not other choice injecting scope objects if want use these events.

however shouldn't use $emit or $broadcast events share data. these events used application wide information (like user has logged in or logged out...etc.)

a practice when using angular events prefer $rootscope.$emit because $scope relies on hierarchy of components.

for example:

$scope.$emit emit parent component.

$scope.$broadcast broadcast children components.

then $rootscope.$broadcast broadcast events rootscope scope (which may make code messy real quick)

$rootscope.$emit preferred registers event application wide , makes available rootscope only. ($rootscope.$on)

another practice unbind custom events. whenever component or directive unloaded/destroyed, event listener still reside inside rootscope resulting in possible memory leaks.

to unbind event:

var unbind = $rootscope.$on('logout', function(event, data) {     console.log('logout', data); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', unbind); 


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