java - File upload HttpClient -- no file in selected folder -

i'm using loopj/android-async-http lib upload files in server.

my android code:

file myfile = new file(getrealpathfromuri(settintsactiviy.this, selectedimage));  requestparams params = new requestparams(); try {     params.put("uploaded_file", myfile);     params.put("name", "adfadfa");     params.put("tmp_name", "fadfadfa"); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {     e.printstacktrace(); }  asynchttpclient client = new asynchttpclient();"http://localhost:8081/html/upload.php", params, new asynchttpresponsehandler() {      @override     public void onsuccess(int statuscode, header[] headers, byte[] responsebody) {         system.out.println("statuscode "+statuscode);//statuscode 200     }      @override     public void onfailure(int statuscode, header[] headers, byte[] responsebody, throwable error) {      } }); 

my upload.php

<?php  $file_path = "/images/";  $file_path = $file_path . basename( $_files['uploaded_file']['name']); if(move_uploaded_file($_files['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'], $file_path)) {     echo "success"; } else{     echo "fail"; }?> 

log android result:

06-09 22:19:53.192 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 205268 221141 (93%) 06-09 22:19:53.192 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 209364 221141 (95%) 06-09 22:19:53.192 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 213460 221141 (97%) 06-09 22:19:53.192 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 217556 221141 (98%) 06-09 22:19:53.192 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 221103 221141 (100%) 06-09 22:19:53.193 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 221105 221141 (100%) 06-09 22:19:53.193 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 221141 221141 (100%) 06-09 22:19:56.252 18958-18958/ v/asynchttprh: progress 7 7 (100%) 06-09 22:19:56.252 18958-18958/ i/system.out: statuscode 200 

but when open selected folder not have file.


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