apache - .htaccess doesn't ask me for password -

i'm trying protect directory adding .htaccess , .htpasswd instead asking me password, goes home page of site directly.

my .htaccess being read (put garbage in , got 500 error).

here's .htaccess :

authname "page d'administration protégée" authtype basic authuserfile "/applications/mamp/htdocs/backoffice_mollanger/app/.htpasswd" require valid-user 

and .htpasswd


first of all, remove speech marks have around .htpasswd location, should not there. if not try using this, can specify directory want protect stating file name in replace of example:

<files /example> authname "page d'administration protégée" authtype basic authuserfile /applications/mamp/htdocs/backoffice_mollanger/app/.htpasswd require valid-user </files> 


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