Java Apache JEXL boolean expressions issue -

i'm developing in java system check occurrence of combination of keywords in text. example, have following expression check: ( yellow || red ) && sofa . divided job 2 steps. first 1 detect individual words in text. second 1 use result checking boolean expression. after short web search choose apache jexl.

// web app contains set of preconfigured keywords inserted administrator:  list<string> system_occurence =new arraylist<string>() {{     add("yellow");     add("brown");     add("red");     add("kitchen");     add("sofa");         }};    // method below check if of system keywords in text list<string> occurence = getoccurencekeywordsinthetext(); ( string word :occurrence){     jexlcontext.set(word,true); }  // set false system keywords not in text system_occurence.removeall(occurence); ( string word :system_occurence){     jexlcontext.set(word,false); }   // value boolean expression string jexlexp ="( yellow || red ) && sofa";  jexlexpression e = jexl.createexpression( jexlexp_ws_keyword_matching );  boolean o = (boolean) e.evaluate(jexlcontext); 

in above example, use simple words in boolean expression. ascii , non-composite words i've no problems. i've problems non-ascii , composite keywords inside boolean expression because can't use variables names.

// below example fails, jexl launch exception string jexlexp ="( lebron james || red ) && sofa";   // below example fails, jexl launch exception string jexlexp ="( òsdà || red ) && sofa"; 

how can solve? right way?

sorry bad english :)

try replace space other character underscore (_).

package jexl;       import org.apache.commons.jexl3.*;      import java.util.arraylist;     import java.util.arrays;     import java.util.list;      public class test2 {      private static final jexlengine jexl_engine = new jexlbuilder().cache(512).strict(false).silent(false).create();     public static void main(string[] args) {         // web app contains set of preconfigured keywords inserted administrator:         list<string> system_occurence =new arraylist<string>() {{             add("yellow");             add("brown");             add("red");             add("kitchen");             add("sofa");         }};          jexlcontext jexlcontext = new mapcontext();  // method below check if of system keywords in text         list<string> occurence = arrays.aslist("kitchen");         ( string word :occurence){             jexlcontext.set(word,true);         }  // set false system keywords not in text         system_occurence.removeall(occurence);         ( string word :system_occurence){             jexlcontext.set(word,false);         }   // value boolean expression         string jexlexp ="( lebron_james || red ) && sofa";         jexlexpression e = jexl_engine.createexpression( jexlexp );          boolean o = (boolean) e.evaluate(jexlcontext);          system.out.println(o);     }  } 


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