php - ExpressionEngine Pagination issue with 2 segments -

i’m building site has following uri structures: - page loads case studies , pagination works fine there 1 segment. - uses seg2cat on category_2 load case studies residential. if there more 6, click next page , uri

this totally breaks page , “error, page requested not found”

here pagination code i’m using:

{exp:channel:entries channel="case_study" category="{segment_2_category_id}” orderby=”date” sort=”desc” paginate=”bottom” limit=”6” dynamic=”yes”}  {paginate} <nav> <ul class=”pager”> {if previous_page} <li class=”previous”>← older</li> {/if} {if next_page} <li class=”next”>newer →</li> {/if} </ul> </nav> {/paginate} 

i’m totally stuck, can @ all?

in order work, had set channel entries tag dynamic="no" , set custom template route case studies template /case-studies/{category:alpha_dash}/{page:pagination}

works fine!



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