vb.net - How to get output from PowerShell automation? -

i trying output , post output powershell instance textbox. code:

private sub viewservicelogtoolstripmenuitem_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles viewservicelogtoolstripmenuitem.click     using ps powershell = powershell.create()         dim logfilepathname string = "some path log file"         ps.addscript(string.format("get-content {0} -wait", logfilepathname))         dim outputcollection psdatacollection(of psobject) = new psdatacollection(of psobject)         addhandler outputcollection.dataadded, addressof logfileoutput         dim result iasyncresult = ps.begininvoke(of psobject, psobject)(nothing, outputcollection)     end using end sub  sub logfileoutput(send object, data dataaddedeventargs)     logtextbox.text += data.tostring end sub 

i unsure if running. placing break point inside logfileoutput handler sub never raised. thanks.


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