android - XWalk (Crosswalk) CookieManager crashes app in NDK -

i'm doing following:

  • in launcher activity, after oncreate i'm initializing default cookiemanager so:

    cookiemanager cookiemanager = cookiemanager.getinstance(); if (build.version.sdk_int < build.version_codes.lollipop) {     cookiesyncmanager.createinstance(ctx); }  cookiemanager.setacceptcookie(true); cookiemanager.setacceptfileschemecookies(true); 
  • after i'm doing this...

    cookiehandler.setdefault(new webkitcookiemanagerproxy()); 
  • ...where i'm extending cookiemanager , doing this:

    public class webkitcookiemanagerproxy extends cookiemanager { private static final string tag = webkitcookiemanagerproxy.class.getname(); private xwalkcookiemanager crosswalkcookiemanager;  public webkitcookiemanagerproxy() {     this(null, null); }  /* package */ webkitcookiemanagerproxy(cookiestore store, cookiepolicy cookiepolicy) {     super(null, cookiepolicy);      this.crosswalkcookiemanager = new xwalkcookiemanager();  }  // overrides  @override public void put(uri uri, map<string, list<string>> responseheaders) throws ioexception {     // make sure our args valid     if ((uri == null) || (responseheaders == null)) return;      // save our url once     string url = uri.tostring();      // go on headers     (string headerkey : responseheaders.keyset()) {         // ignore headers aren't cookie related         if ((headerkey == null) || !(headerkey.equalsignorecase("set-cookie2") || headerkey.equalsignorecase("set-cookie")))             continue;          // process each of headers         (string headervalue : responseheaders.get(headerkey)) {             this.crosswalkcookiemanager.setcookie(url, headervalue);         }     } }  @override public map<string, list<string>> get(uri uri, map<string, list<string>> requestheaders) throws ioexception {     // make sure our args valid     if ((uri == null) || (requestheaders == null))         throw new illegalargumentexception("argument null");      // save our url once     string url = uri.tostring();      // prepare our response     map<string, list<string>> res = new java.util.hashmap<string, list<string>>();      // cookie     string cookie = null;     if (this.crosswalkcookiemanager.hascookies()) {         cookie = this.crosswalkcookiemanager.getcookie(url);     }      // return     if (cookie != null) {         res.put("cookie", arrays.aslist(cookie));     }     return res; }  @override public cookiestore getcookiestore() {     // don't want work cookie store directly     throw new unsupportedoperationexception(); } 


my problem when enters put() method above, crashes exception. calls on manager crashes app, example calling hascookies() or getcookies()


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