html - AngularJS remove the # in url link -

i try remove hastag url in website, don't know how..

i researched on internet, , find it's neccesary insert location providers in controller, but...where?

here si controller code:

'use strict';  (function() {   var app = angular.module('store', ['store-products']);     app.controller('storecontroller', ['$log', function($log) {      this.products = gems;     $'dependency info');   }]);    app.controller('panelcontroller', function() { = 1;      this.selecttab = function(settab) { = settab;     };      this.isselected = function(checktab) {       return === checktab;     };   });    app.controller('reviewcontroller', function() { = {};      this.addreview = function(product) {; = {};     };    });      var gems = [     {       name: 'dodecahedron',       price: 2.95,       description: 'dodecahedron description...',       images: [         {           full: ''         }       ],       canpurchase: true,       soldout: false,       reviews: [         {           stars: 5,           body: 'awesome website',           author: 'user1@schimbatot'         },         {           stars: 4,           body: 'good!',           author: 'user2@schimbatot'         }       ]     },    ];   })(); 

and module code:

(function() {   var app = angular.module('store-products', []);   app.directive('producttitle', function () {     return {       restrict: 'e',       templateurl: 'product-title.html'     };   }); })(); 

also, find it's neccesary add <base href="/"> in index.

but, it's neccesary insert $locationprovider command? ( $locationprovider.html5mode(true);)

edit, here index page:

    <!doctype html>     <html ng-app="store">      <head>       <title>angularjs app</title>       <meta charset="utf-8" />       <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />       <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />       <link rel="stylesheet" href="application.css" />       <script src="app.js"></script> <base href="/">       </head>     <body>        <h1>angularjs app</h1>       <div class="container" ng-controller="storecontroller store">        <h1>angularjs app</h1>          <div  ng-repeat="product in store.products">           <h3>             <product-title></product-title>           </h3>            <section ng-controller="panelcontroller panel">             <ul class="nav nav-pills">               <li ng-class="{active:panel.isselected(3)}"><a href="#" ng-click="panel.selecttab(3)">reviews</a></li>             </ul>             <div class="panel" ng-show="panel.isselected(1)">               <h4>description</h4>               <blockquote>product description...</blockquote>             </div>             <div class="panel" ng-show="panel.isselected(2)">               <h4>specifications</h4>               <blockquote>none yet</blockquote>             </div>             <div class="panel" ng-show="panel.isselected(3)">               <h4>reviews</h4>               <blockquote ng-repeat="review in">                 <b>stars: {{review.stars}}</b>                 {{review.body}}                 <cite>by: {{}}</cite>               </blockquote>               <form name="reviewform" ng-controller="reviewcontroller reviewctrl" ng-submit="reviewform.$valid && reviewctrl.addreview(product)" novalidate>                 <blockquote>                   <b>stars: {{}}</b>                   {{}}                   <cite>by: {{}}</cite>                 </blockquote>                 <select ng-model="" required>                   <option value="1">1 star</option>                   <option value="2">2 star</option>                   <option value="3">3 star</option>                   <option value="4">4 star</option>                   <option value="5">5 star</option>                 </select>                 <textarea ng-model="" required></textarea>                 <label>by:</label>                 <input ng-model="" type="email" required />                  <input class="btn" type="submit" value="submit" />               </form>             </div>           </section>           </div>         <script src=""></script>       <script src=""></script>       <script src=""></script>       <script src="products.js"></script>       <script src="app.js"></script>     </div>        </body>        </html> 

thank me!

you need specify html5 mode in config in below

var app = angular.module('store', ['store-products'])  .config(['$locationprovider', function($locationprovider) {   $locationprovider.html5mode(true); }]); 

read more hashbang mode , html5 mode [here] ($location)


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