android - TypeError: Cannot read property 'udp' of undefined -

i need write ionic app sends , recieves udp packets. i'm using plugin android:

this code in app.js:

    $scope.connect = function() {       var socketid;        // handle "onreceive" event.       var onreceive = function(info) {         if (info.socketid !== socketid)         return;         console.log(; };  // create socket chrome.sockets.udp.create({}, function(socketinfo) {   socketid = socketinfo.socketid;   // setup event handler , bind socket.   chrome.sockets.udp.onreceive.addlistener(onreceive);   chrome.sockets.udp.bind(socketid,     "", 55555, function(result) {       if (result < 0) {         console.log("error binding socket.");         return;       }       var arraybuffer = new arraybuffer(20);       var dv = new dataview(arraybuffer,0);       dv.setuint16(0,0);       dv.setuint16(1,12);       dv.setuint16(2,0);       dv.setuint16(3,0);       dv.setuint32(4,0);       dv.setuint32(5,55555);       dv.setuint32(6,0);       console.log("here");       chrome.sockets.udp.send(socketid, arraybuffer,         '', 2222, function(sendinfo) {           console.log("sent " + sendinfo.bytessent);       });   }); }); }}) 

(this same example taken here: (for udp)

i understand need give udp permissions in kind of manifest file, can that? have android.jason file , androidmanifest.xml file.

thanks alot!


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