Symfony cloning entity persist old entity -

i've form 2 submit buttons, "save , overwrite" , "save copy".

so here problem, when i'm creating copy next code, old entity still being updated:

public function editaction($id, request $request) {     $auth_checker = $this->get('security.authorization_checker');     $token = $this->get('security.token_storage')->gettoken();      // our user token     $user = $token->getuser();      $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();     $checklist = $em->getrepository('appbundle:checklist')->find($id);       if (!$checklist) {         throw $this->createnotfoundexception('checklist not found... ' . $id);     }      $originalgroups = new arraycollection();     $originaltasks = new arraycollection();     $originalcorrectives = new arraycollection();      /** @var checklistgroup $group */     foreach ($checklist->getgroups() $group) {         $originalgroups->add($group);          /** @var checklisttask $task */         foreach ($group->gettasks() $task) {             $originaltasks->add($task);              foreach ($task->getcorrectives() $corrective) {                 $originalcorrectives->add($corrective);             }           }     }       $newtasks = new arraycollection();     $newcorrectives = new arraycollection();      $editform = $this->createform(checklisttype::class, $checklist);      $editform->handlerequest($request);      if ($editform->isvalid()) {         foreach ($originalgroups $group) {             //$checklistgroup = $em->getrepository('appbundle:checklistgroup')->find($group->getid());              if (false === $checklist->getgroups()->contains($group)) {                 $checklistgroup = $em->getrepository('appbundle:checklistgroup')->find($group->getid());                 $em->remove($checklistgroup);             }         }          /** @var checklistgroup $newgroup */         foreach ($checklist->getgroups() $newgroup) {              /** @var checklisttask $task */             foreach ($newgroup->gettasks() $task) {                 $newtasks->add($task);                  /* if(false === $originaltasks->contains($task)) {                      $checklisttask = $em->getrepository('appbundle:checklisttask')->find($task->getid());                      $em->remove($checklisttask);                  }*/             }         }          foreach ($originaltasks $originaltask) {             if (false === $newtasks->contains($originaltask)) {                 $checklisttask = $em->getrepository('appbundle:checklisttask')->find($originaltask->getid());                 $em->remove($checklisttask);             }         }          /** @var checklisttask $newtask */         foreach ($checklist->getgroups() $newgroup) {             /** @var checklisttask $task */             foreach ($newgroup->gettasks() $task) {                 foreach ($task->getcorrectives() $lcorrective) {                     $newcorrectives->add($lcorrective);                 }             }         }          foreach ($originalcorrectives $originalcorrective) {             if (false === $newcorrectives->contains($originalcorrective)) {                 $checklistcorrective = $em->getrepository('appbundle:checklisttaskcorrective')->find($originalcorrective->getid());                 $em->remove($checklistcorrective);             }         }          $checklist->setusermodificator($user);          if ($editform->get('save')->isclicked()) {             $em->persist($checklist);             $em->flush();         }          if ($editform->get('savecopy')->isclicked()) {             $copy = clone $checklist;              $copy->setnombre($checklist->getnombre(). ' #copy#');               $em->persist($copy);             $em->refresh($checklist);             $em->flush();         }           $this->get('session')->getflashbag()->add('success', "se ha actualizado el checklist correctamente.");          return $this->redirecttoroute('listchecklist', array('id' => $id));     }      return $this->render(':checklist:create.html.twig', array(         'edit' => true,         'form' => $editform->createview(),     )); } 

even after detached , explicitly call flush($copy).

to handle deep copy have next codes:


public function __clone() {     if ($this->id) {         $this->setid(null);          $groupsclone = new arraycollection();          /** @var checklistgroup $group */         foreach ($this->groups $group) {             $itemclone = clone $group;             $itemclone->setchecklist($this);             $groupsclone->add($itemclone);         }         $this->groups = $groupsclone;     } } 


public function __clone() {     if ($this->id) {         $this->id = null;          // cloning relation m onetomany         $tasksclone = new arraycollection();          /** @var checklisttask $task */         foreach ($this->gettasks() $task) {             $itemclone = clone $task;             $itemclone->setchecklistgroup($this);             $tasksclone->add($itemclone);         }         $this->tasks = $tasksclone;     } } 


public function __clone() {     if ($this->id) {         $this->id = null;          // cloning relation m onetomany         $correctivesclone = new arraycollection();          /** @var checklisttaskcorrective $corrective */         foreach ($this->getcorrectives() $corrective) {             $itemclone = clone $corrective;             $itemclone->setchecklisttask($this);             $correctivesclone->add($itemclone);         }         $this->correctives = $correctivesclone;     } } 


public function __clone() {     if($this->id) {         $this->setid(null);     } } 

the result both copy , original checklist stored changes, example if add 1 group , 2 tasks, 2 checklists entities groups , task in both of them.

also in relations i've persist={"cascade"}, don't know if may problem.

what's wrong?


this after testing each entity state:

group 001 managed  task 001 managed  accion correctora 1 managed  task 002 managed  task 003 managed  group 002 managed  task 001 managed  accion correctora test managed  task 002 managed  group 003 managed  task 001 managed  task 002 managed  task 003 managed  xzcxzc new  xzcxzc new  xzcxzc new  

existing entities of groups, tasks , correctives appear managed, added ones appear new, $old_checklist appear detached , $copy appear managed.


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