continuous deployment - How to deploy via FTP a website using BitBucket Pipelines -

i tried many times execute continuous integration via bitbucket pipeline (beta). moment need simple task, update remote server when push made on repository (in past used purpose codeship similar syntax).

in pipelines necessary set file called bitbucket-pipelines.yml contains several rows differentiate between branches, etc. main instruction is:

- lftp -c "open -u $ftp_user,$ftp_password; set ssl:verify-certificate no; mirror -rne /opt/atlassian/bitbucketci/agent/build /clone/ /public_html/dev" 

unfortunately not run correctly because failed (apparently infinite loop , new attempts).

i tried discuss topic support did not recieve useful , in final message, suggested me other resources.

maybe, there set succesfully similar things?


if git push want, try this.

image: samueldebruyn/debian-git  pipelines:     default:       - step:           script:             - echo "pipeline init"             - apt-get update             - apt-get -qq install git-ftp             - echo "'_$(git status -uno --porcelain | wc -l)_'"             - git status -uno --porcelain             - echo "initiating push site:source."             - git config git-ftp.syncroot source/             - git ftp init --user $username --passwd $pwd 

once have done first push (init), change code git ftp init git ftp push


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