python 3.x - How to embed 'QScintilla' code editor in self-made PyQt GUI? -

i'm making small ide - fun! write in python, , use pyqt5 library build gui.

here screenshot of current status:

enter image description here

the code editor simple qtextedit() widget - embedded in qframe() widget, embedded in main window. parent child relationship follows (just bit simplified):

qmainwindow( ) >> qframe( ) >> qtextedit( )

i implemented basic syntax highlighting, using qsyntaxhighlighter() class pyqt5. that's great - not yet awesome. mr. bakuriu advised me take @ qscintilla package. struggle several questions:

question 1: installing qscintilla

this pyqt documentation can find qscintilla2: . apparently on windows need download source code of qscintilla2 , build dll-file. isn't there more convenient way? example, pre-built packages (with installer)?

i found download page: . download page mentions: <<there no download available containing scintilla dll. however, included in scite executable full download scilexer.dll.>>. if interpret right, can prebuilt scintilla dll-file in way. download page doesn't mention pyqt anywhere. i'm wondering if dll-file work in pyqt. after all, download scintilla, not qscintilla.

and once dll-file, how use embed qscintilla editor inside qframe?

question 2: scintilla or scite?

reading scintilla (and qscintilla) stumbled on scite. made nice installer software: . advisable embed scite in pyqt gui? , if - wouldn't need 'qscite' instead of plain 'scite'?

question 3: example code

once (q)scintilla or (q)scite installed, need started somehow. if has embedded scintilla/scite in pyqt gui, please post example code. helpful :-)

after several months came old question of mine. in meantime, have collaborated friend matic kukovec, resulted in nice tutorial on how use qscintilla:

enter image description here

qscintilla wonderful tool, information scarce. hope initiative can provide needed documentation.


you need install qscintilla , python bindings. don't know windows, seems available on pip.


scintilla editor widget. scite full app using editor widget, scriptable in lua language. qscintilla qt port of scintilla editor widget.


a qsciscintilla object subclass of qwidget, can run:

from pyqt5.qtwidgets import qapplication pyqt5.qsci import qsciscintilla  app = qapplication([]) sci = qsciscintilla() app.exec_() 


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