node.js - Ionic-2 Visual Code Project - Debugging/Buid Errors -

i new ionic 2 , beginning try out. have many problems using vs code ide. have installed vscode 1.2.0 , on 4 occasions using

      i. ionic start myapp --v2 blank      ii. ionic start myapp --v2 tabs     iii. ionic start myapp --v2 --ts blank      iv. ionic start myapp --v2 --ts tabs.  

for these 4 projects, have different challenges extent none of 4 project have succesfully compile or been built without different errors when vs code. these projects run firing ionic serve in respective directories.

in cases of i. & ii.

import statements , @ statements had errors until added jsconfig.json file following details;

{ "compileroptions": { "emitdecoratormetadata": true, "experimentaldecorators": true, "module": "amd", "target": "es6" }, "files": [ "app/app.js" ], "exclude": [] }

after that, running/debugging project vs code produced error; (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import {componen ^^^^^^ syntaxerror: unexpected reserved word (in app\app.js:1) until installed following

    npm install babel-cli --save     npm install babel-preset-es2015 --save 

when further ran/debugged, have been getting error (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { @componen ^^^^^^ syntaxerror: unexpected unrecognised token

now stucked.

on otherhand, in cases of iii. & iv.

in attempt run/debug apps, following errors kept occuring in following order after made or 2 corresponding changes launch.json file

a. had error "attribute 'program' not exist ('${workspaceroot}/app/app.js')". changed "program" attribute of configuration section in launch.json file '${workspaceroot}/app/app.ts'

b. after above, had error "cannot launch program '${workspaceroot}\app\app.ts'; configuring source maps might help.", changed sourcemaps atrribute in configuration section of launch.json true "sourcemaps": true

c. after above, had error "cannot launch program '${workspaceroot}\app\app.ts'; setting 'outdir' attribute might help." changed outdir atrribute in configuration section of launch.json "outdir": "${workspaceroot}/bin" , created folder "bin" in project app root

d. still, have been having same error above after these changes.

please can give me better insights these scenario having googled past 2 days.



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