Polymer key global variables undefined. Why? -

i've got strange set of errors load application

polymer-micro.html:117 uncaught typeerror: cannot read property '_makeready' of undefined      (anonymous function) @ polymer-micro.html:117 

the indefined in first 1 polymer.renderstatus

polymer.html:3417 uncaught typeerror: polymer.dom not function      _findstylehost @ polymer.html:3417      _computestyleproperties @ polymer.html:3461      _applycustomproperties @ polymer.html:3652      fn @ polymer.html:3638 

obviously polymer.dom ought function. why not?

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property '_iseventbogus' of undefined       _notifylistener @ polymer.html:2012       (anonymous function) @ polymer.html:1534       fire @ polymer.html:1277       _notifychange @ polymer.html:1372       _notifyeffect @ polymer.html:1553      _effecteffects @ polymer.html:1405      _propertysetter @ polymer.html:1389      setter @ polymer.html:1468q      ueryhandler @ iron-media-query.html:116 

this media query generates error everytime move width of screen across media query boundary. undefined variable in case polymer.bind

if put breakpoint @ top of polymer.html (just after script tag) errors go away when let go. implies running without letting polymer-mini.html load.

i running chrome, , tests in index.html whether load webcomponents-lite.js polyfill means doesn't load.

i stuck about debugging issue. ideas?

it turns out positioning of initialisation script in index.html cause of these problems. had copied polymer shop app places script @ bottom of body. app created polymer-cli tool (with app-drawer template) places script in header, before importing my-app element.

i suspect reason shop app doesn't have problems header not doing animation. using blend-background effect in header , might why fails.

anyway, moving script includes polymer initialization header solved problem.


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