php - Getting error in add Bundle in Vendor Folder in Symfony2 -

bundle name : open tok ( downloaded github )

i put folder in vendor folder of symfony( project name\vendor\opentok\opentok\and files , folders here )

in appkernel.php

<?php   use symfony\component\httpkernel\kernel;  use symfony\component\config\loader\loaderinterface;   class appkernel extends kernel  {      public function registerbundles()      {         $bundles = array(         new symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\frameworkbundle(),         new symfony\bundle\securitybundle\securitybundle(),         new symfony\bundle\twigbundle\twigbundle(),         new symfony\bundle\monologbundle\monologbundle(),         new symfony\bundle\swiftmailerbundle\swiftmailerbundle(),         new opentokbundle\opentokbundle(),         new doctrine\bundle\doctrinebundle\doctrinebundle(),         new sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\sensioframeworkextrabundle(),         new adminbundle\adminbundle(),         new sitebundle\sitebundle(),         new wsbundle\wsbundle(),     );      if (in_array($this->getenvironment(), array('dev', 'test'), true)) {         $bundles[] = new symfony\bundle\debugbundle\debugbundle();         $bundles[] = new symfony\bundle\webprofilerbundle\webprofilerbundle();         $bundles[] = new sensio\bundle\distributionbundle\sensiodistributionbundle();         $bundles[] = new sensio\bundle\generatorbundle\sensiogeneratorbundle();     }      return $bundles;    }    public function registercontainerconfiguration(loaderinterface $loader)   {       $loader->load($this->getrootdir().'/config/config_'.$this->getenvironment().'.yml');    } } 

in app\autoload.php

 <?php    use doctrine\common\annotations\annotationregistry;   use composer\autoload\classloader;   /**   * @var classloader $loader   */   $loader = require __dir__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';   annotationregistry::registerloader(array($loader, 'loadclass'));   $loader->add('opentok' , __dir__.'/..vendor/opentok');   return $loader;   ?> 


  "require": {         "php": ">=5.3.9",         "symfony/symfony": "2.8.*",         "doctrine/orm": "^2.4.8",         "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "~1.4",         "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "~2.3",         "symfony/monolog-bundle": "~2.4",         "sensio/distribution-bundle": "~5.0",         "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^3.0.2",         "incenteev/composer-parameter-handler": "~2.0",         "opentok/opentok": "dev-master"    }, 

this above code gives me error :

fatal error: class 'opentokbundle\opentokbundle' not found

now how can use opentok bundle in other files ? please me. new symfony

your issue due slash.
should $loader->add('opentok' => __dir__.'/../vendor/opentok'); in other line (although i'm not sure actual path correct).

that being said should download , manage package using composer has dependencies won't included downloading repository.

to this:

  1. delete $loader->add('opentok' => __dir__.'/..vendor/opentok'); line autoload
  2. add "opentok/opentok": "^2.3.2" or version want download "require" key in composer.json
  3. run composer update opentok/opentok.

the package , classes should available in application and, when require newer version, can manage through composer rather needing download package hand (along dependencies).


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