php - how can I center my text on fpdf -

i have finding on internet how center text on fpdf or 1 way center text didnt find it. way it's title need center

<?php           require('../fpdf/fpdf.php');         class ticket extends fpdf{             private $conexion;             public function __construct(){                 require_once('../model/conexion.php');                 parent::__construct();                 $this->conexion = new conexion();                 $this->conexion->conectar();             }         }          $pdf = new fpdf('p','mm',array(114,76));          $pdf->addpage();          $pdf->setfont('arial','',10);         $pdf->cell(0,0,'storelte');         $pdf->ln(2);         $pdf->output('test.pdf', 'i');      ?> 

the cell method includes optional var alignment

you can include additional options variables , define alignment center.



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