javascript - Limting Search Results in Jekyll Search -
i've been trying without success limit results in search script included in site.
here original script:
jquery(function() { // initialize lunr fields searched, plus boost. window.idx = lunr(function () { this.field('id'); this.field('title'); this.field('content', { boost: 10 }); this.field('categories'); }); // generated search_data.json file lunr.js can search locally. = $.getjson('/search.json'); // wait data load , add lunr{ $.each(loaded_data, function(index, value){ window.idx.add( $.extend({ "id": index }, value) ); }); }); // event when form submitted $("#site_search").submit(function(event){ event.preventdefault(); var query = $("#search_box").val(); // value text field var results =; // lunr perform search display_search_results(results); // hand results off displayed }); function display_search_results(results) { var $search_results = $("#search_results"); // wait data load { // there results? if (results.length) { $search_results.empty(); // clear old results // iterate on results results.foreach(function(result) { var item = loaded_data[result.ref]; // build snippet of html result var appendstring = '<li><a href="' + item.url + '">' + item.title + '</a></li>'; // add snippet collection of results. $search_results.append(appendstring); }); } else { // if there no results, let user know. $search_results.html('<li><b><u>no results found</u></b></li>'); } }); } });
and i've tried without success include limiting statement when iterating on results:
// iterate on results (var = 0; < results.length && < 5; i++) { var item = loaded_date[results[i]];
i've fiddled around for quite time, , can't seem find amiss.
any assistance appreciated.
what error getting, loop looks fine.
an alternative approach use array#slice limit number of results iterate over.
results.slice(0, 5).foreach(function (result) { // snip })
replace existing iteration on results, have results.foreach
this work if there less 5 results, , take first 5 if there more 5 results.
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