java - Creating Gradle file for REST-Web Service -

i pretty new gradle , want create buildfile rest-service. after read introduction on gradle homepage , other pages started new project using command gradle init --type=java-project because service java based. structure of project created , wanted insert .class files directories. first problem: don´t know proper structure kind of project. after focused on dependencies, added. want build project, error occurs has usage of jersey technology. if compile service eclipse, works fine, code works.

so 2 questions are:

how create proper file structure ?

how fix issue servlet/war-compilation

here structure of project in eclipse:

restwebservice |--java resources |  |--src |     | |     |  |         //contains jersey rest service |     | |        |           //contains util methods |--libraries |  |--apache tomcat v7 |  |--asm-3.3.1.jar |  |--ear libraries |  |--gson-2.5.jar |  |--jersey-bundle-1.14.jar |  |--jre system library |  |--json-20151123.jar |  |--web app libraries |--javascript resources |--build |--webcontent    |--meta-inf    |  |    |--web-inf       |--lib       |           //file data       |--configfile.xml                //file confc       |--web.xml                       //config rest paths 

i have no plan place 2 files web-inf directory. have placed structure under projectfolder /src/main/java/com/name/restproject

here gradle file of project


apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'war'  // in section declare find dependencies of project repositories {     // use 'jcenter' resolving dependencies.     // can declare maven/ivy/file repository here.     mavencentral() }  // in section declare dependencies production , test code dependencies {     // production code uses slf4j logging api @ compile time     compile group: '', name: 'gson-parent', version: '2.6'     compile group: 'asm', name: 'asm-parent', version: '3.3.1'     compile group: 'com.sun.jersey.glassfish.v3.osgi', name: 'jersey-gf-bundle', version: '1.1.4'     compile group: 'org.json', name: 'json', version: '20151123'       // declare dependency favourite test framework want use in tests.     // testng supported gradle test task. change     // testcompile dependency testcompile 'org.testng:testng:6.8.1' , add     // 'test.usetestng()' build script.     testcompile 'junit:junit:4.12' } 

if want create rest web service gradle build, suggest use spring boot rest

spring boot - building restful web service :

it contains gradle build :

also if want build war instead of jar (which default build configuration), can follow documentation :


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