ios - application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: is not getting called in iOS8 -

i upgraded googlesignin sdk 2.4.0 4.0.0. app works fine in ios9. in ios8.4(which current testing in) after successful login gets redirected app, neither application:openurl:sourceapplication:annotation: nor application:didfinishlaunchingwithoptions: getting called. receiving warning

< firanalytics/warning > implementation of application:openurl:sourceapplication:annotation: not found. please add handler app delegate. class: clevertapappdelegatesurrogate

but have implemented methods. have idea? read docs , nothing specific mentioned. missing support ios8 well?

#if __iphone_9_0  - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)app openurl:(nsurl *)url options:(nsdictionary *)options {     return yes;  }  #else  - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application openurl:(nsurl *)url sourceapplication:(nsstring *)sourceapplication annotation:(id)annotation {     return yes; }  #endif 

would direct me in right way? in advance. by using xcode version 7.3.

clevertap overrides method internally deeplinking process.

  (bool) application:(uiapplication *)application openurl:(nsurl *)url sourceapplication:(nsstring *)sourceapplication annotation:(id)annotation 

configure clever tap manually whaterver reasons want.

remove line , configure manually. work cool.

[clevertap autointegrate]; 


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