java - Unable to run the Regression group in testng.xml file for different browsers -

i have configured testng.xml file run regression group in different browsers.below testng.xml code same.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <!doctype suite system "">  <suite name="seleniumsuite" verbose ="1" thread-count = "1" parallel="false">   <**test** name="firefoxtest">   <groups>         <run>             <include name="regression"></include>         </run>     </groups>  <parameter name="browser" value="firefox" />  <classes>  <class name="testscript.program111_redifflogin" />  </classes>   </test>  <test name="ietest">   <groups>         <run>             <include name="regression"></include>         </run>     </groups>  <parameter name="browser" value="ie" />  <classes>  <class name="testscript.program111_redifflogin" />  </classes>  </test> </suite> 

when hover mouse on tag, displays error message "the content of element type "test" must match "(method-selectors?,parameter*,groups?,packages?,classes?)".at test class level have defined parameters regression test run.but still seeing error in testng.xml file.can 1 of , me!

please find test case using automation

@test(groups={"regression"},dataprovider = "hashmapdataprovider",dataproviderclass =dataprovider.dataprovider_hashmap.class,priority=1 ) public void validlogin(map<string,string> hm) throws ioexception {     pageobjects.signin(); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(15, timeunit.seconds);         originalexcelrw excel = new originalexcelrw("f:\\anand_acer\\selenium\\rediffbooks.xlsx");     xssfsheet s1 = excel.setsheet("sheet1");     softassert s_assert = new softassert();     if (hm.get("executionflow").contains("anand"))     {      pageobjects.username1(hm.get(excel.readvalue(s1, 0, 2)));     pageobjects.pass1(hm.get(excel.readvalue(s1, 0, 3)));     //s_assert.assertequals(hm.get(excel.readvalue(s1, 0, 2)), hm.get(excel.readvalue(s1, 0, 3)), "both usssser ideee , password doesnt matches");     //"usssser ideeee");     pageobjects.login();     s_assert.asserttrue(true, "login success");     //"the login success");     system.out.println("valid login passed");     pageobjects.signout();     pageobjects.signin();     //pageobjects.cleartext();     }     s_assert.assertall();     } 

looks error message have posted must in special order of indentation?

here example of xml works

<!doctype suite system "" > <suite verbose="1" name="example suite 1">     <listeners>          <listener class-name="reportlistener.reportlistenerclass" />     </listeners>     <test name="logout tests">         <classes>             <class name="com.emc.qe.u360.tests.logouttests" />         </classes>     </test>     <test name="login tests">         <classes>             <class name="com.emc.qe.u360.tests.loginpagetests" />         </classes>     </test>  </suite> 


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