javascript - How can I convert a UTC date to ISOString format without changing the date/time? -

here's code have far. current utc time = 1:22pm

var = new date(); var now_utc = new date(now.getutcfullyear(), now.getutcmonth(), now.getutcdate(), now.getutchours(), now.getutcminutes(), now.getutcseconds()); var isodate1 = now_utc.toisostring();  >>> wed jul 06 2016 21:22:20 gmt+0800 now_utc >>>  wed jul 06 2016 13:22:20 gmt+0800 (malay peninsula standard time) isodate1 >>> "2016-07-06t05:22:20.000z" 

my problem expected , need, isodate1 this:


it seems now_utc correct when converted iso format changes.

can give me advice on this?

new date(...) construct date/time passed being local time, , toisostring gives both iso format, utc equivalent of local time constructed, hence behaviour you're seeing - note how output of now_utc showing gmt+0800 - means it's local time, offset gmt/utc +8 hours.

you should able current utc time iso string:

(new date()).toisostring(); //"2016-07-06t13:39:50.432z" 


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