angular - Ng2 pagination- template error with ngFor -

i doing simple pagination angular2 ng2-pagination follows:

div class="col s12 m6" *ngfor="#analytic of _sessionanalyticsservice.useranalytics  | paginate: { itemsperpage: 4, currentpage: p }; #i=index">            {{analytic}}     </div>     <pagination-controls (pagechange)="p = $event" #api></pagination-controls> 

here above part in div working fine , getting records according specified items per page.

but pagination-controls tag throwing following error: exception: template parse errors: can't bind 'ngfor' since isn't known native property ("

    <li [class.current]="getcurrent() === page.value" [error ->]*ngfor="let page of pages">         <a (click)="setcurrent(page.value)" *ngif="getcurrent() !== p"): paginationcontrolscmp@16:58 

can't bind 'ngforpage' since isn't known native property ("

    <li [class.current]="getcurrent() === page.value" [error ->]*ngfor="let page of pages">         <a (click)="setcurrent(page.value)" *ngif="getcurrent() !== p"): paginationcontrolscmp@16:58 

property binding ngfor not used directive on embedded template ("

    [error ->]<li [class.current]="getcurrent() === page.value" *ngfor="let page of pages">         <a (click)="): paginationcontrolscmp@16:8 

property binding ngforpage not used directive on embedded template ("

    [error ->]<li [class.current]="getcurrent() === page.value" *ngfor="let page of pages">         <a (click)="): paginationcontrolscmp@16:8 

please help.


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