c# - Linq-SQL Generic GetById with a custom Expression -

i've created generic target tables in database. i've added generic .where() expression containing 1 parameter in lambda expression. there way can add more 1 parameter in same expression? please ignore fact below method returns 1 item, make return ilist.

here's method:

public virtual t getbyid( int32 id, string somestringcolumn ) {    parameterexpression itemparameter = expression.parameter( typeof( t ), "item" );    var whereexpression = expression.lambda<func<t, boolean>>                 (                 expression.equal( expression.property( itemparameter, "id" ), expression.constant( id ) ),                 new[] { itemparameter }                 );     return context.set<t>().where( whereexpression ).firstordefault();    } 

my actual intentions method later perform contains() on "string" properties of target table "t". below , append above expression check if string property contains value in "somestringcolumn". insight, "somestringcolumn" general search string on page past ajax on every back-end call.

var properties = item.gettype().getproperties().where( p => p.propertytype == typeof( string ) ).toarray();  ( int32 = 0; < properties.length; i++ ) {  } 

i'm trying achieve in non-generic method:

    public override list<tableindatabase> list( pagingmodel pm, customsearchmodel csm )     {                 string[] qs = ( pm.query ?? "" ).split( ' ' );                  return context.tableindatabase                               .where( t => ( qs.any( q => q != "" ) ? qs.contains( t.columnname) : true ) )                               .orderby( string.format( "{0} {1}", pm.sortby, pm.sort ) )                               .skip( pm.skip )                               .take( pm.take )                               .tolist();    } 

if understand correctly, seeking this:

var item = expression.parameter(typeof(t), "item"); expression body = expression.equal(expression.property(item, "id"), expression.constant(id)); if (!string.isnullorempty(somestringcolumn)) {     var properties = typeof(t).getproperties().where(p => p.propertytype == typeof(string)).tolist();     if (properties.any())         body = expression.andalso(body,             properties.select(p => (expression)expression.call(                 expression.property(item, p), "contains", type.emptytypes, expression.constant(somestringcolumn))             ).aggregate(expression.orelse)); }        var whereexpression = expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(body, item); 

i.e. build contains expression each string property, combine them using or , combine result first condition using and.


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