javascript - How I convert this jQuery function to AngularJS Directive? -
i have onclick="starttimer({{ $index }},{{ product.time }})"
reason databindings doesn't render, have use ng-click
for rendering values ng-click
no working jquery script
<script> function starttimer(id, time) { $("#" + id).next("div").removeclass("claimactive"); $("#" + id).next("div").addclass("claimwait"); $("#" + id).removeclass("timeractive"); $("#" + id).addclass("timerwait"); $("#" + id).next("div").children("a").text("wait"); if (time <= 60) { if (time < 10) $("#" + id).children("#m").text("0" + time); else $("#" + id).children("#m").text(time); $("#" + id).children("#s").text("30"); } else { if (time < 600) $("#" + id).children("#h").text("0" + time / 60); else $("#" + id).children("#h").text(time / 60); $("#" + id).children("#m").text("00"); $("#" + id).children("#s").text("30"); } } function checktimers() { $(".timer").each(function() { seconds = parseint($(this).children("#h").text()) * 3600 + parseint($(this).children("#m").text()) * 60 + parseint($(this).children("#s").text()); if (seconds > 0) { hours = parseint($(this).children("#h").text()); min = parseint($(this).children("#m").text()); sec = parseint($(this).children("#s").text()); if (sec > 0) { if (sec > 10) $(this).children("#s").text(sec - 1); else $(this).children("#s").text("0" + (sec - 1)); } else if (min > 0) { if (min > 10) $(this).children("#m").text(min - 1); else $(this).children("#m").text("0" + (min - 1)); $(this).children("#s").text(59); } else if (hours > 0) { if (hours > 10) $(this).children("#h").text(hours - 1); else $(this).children("#h").text("0" + (hours - 1)); $(this).children("#m").text(59); $(this).children("#s").text(59); } } else { $(this).next("div").removeclass("claimwait"); $(this).next("div").addclass("claimactive"); $(this).addclass("timeractive"); $(this).removeclass("timerwait"); $(this).next("div").children("a").text("claim"); } }); } $(document).ready(function() { setinterval(checktimers, 1000); }); </script>
so need in angularjs directives, don't have idea how add controller
$scope.starttimer = function($index,producttime) {};
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