oauth - OAuth1Session Encoding of URL Django -

alright, need assistance think easy question, after digging quite while i'll leave brilliant people show me why i'm not!

i'm attempting access provider api, url i'm attempting access being: .../proposals/anothertestproposal/city_furniture/items?filter=description$cont"ag" :: way want passed, , should return items who's descriptions contain string "ag". know have 2 of currently.

i'm using django 1.9.4, , requests_oauthlib create oauth1session, i'm doing also, because can access resources without url params. trouble can't "?filter=description..." part encode , it's giving me 401.

when render .contents html get:

{"status": 404, "message": "", "data": [], "arguments": {"id": "items?filter=description$cont\"ag\"", "collection": "city_furniture"}} 

which telling telling me "ag" part being escaped, don't want. in: don't want \"ag\", want "ag".

so, question: how can pass url, params, not containing slashes these causing url invalid , therefore keeping me accessing data correctly?

other, possibly irrelevant info:

  1. the params part of url string i'm passing oauth1session object is: '/city_furniture/items%3ffilter%3ddescription%24cont%22ag%22'

  2. an example of filtering api's website: proposals/master/roads/items?filter=description$cont"highway"

  3. i tried passing 'encoding' arg .get (in order change encoding used to_native_string) requests rejected saying invalid arg

per comments, additional code. using function name get_protected_code() oauth info passed correctly, in views.py:

api_filter_url =  settings.iw_api_model_collection + '/' + model_id + '/' + settings.iw_api_proposal_collection + '/' + proposal_name + '/city_furniture/items%3ffilter%3ddescription%24cont%22ag%22'     json_model_info_pull = get_protected_data(api_filter_url)     find_vendor = json_model_info_pull.content  def get_protected_data(url_str):     ## ...stuffs create oauth1session...     adsk_pull = oauth1session(key,                               client_secret=secret,                               resource_owner_key=oauth_token_use,                               resource_owner_secret=oauth_token_secret_use,                               )     headers = {'accept': 'application/vnd.autodesk.infraworks-v1+json'}     api_url = settings.adsk_iw_info_base_url + url_str     json_model_info_pull = adsk_pull.get(api_url, headers=headers)     return json_model_info_pull 

looks you're passing parameters incorrectly appending them end of url in url-encoding, requests respecting intentional, , api endpoint translating in unintended manner.

from the documentation requests, should provide params keyword argument requests.get: dict containing key-value pairs should encoded , sent query string request. example, run query against the github api, can pass api token query parameter:

requests.get('http://api.github.com/user',     params={ 'access_token' : my_oauth_token }) 

the resultant request contain query string access_token parameter set value stored in my_oauth_token , escaped properly, needed. (such tokens typically contain = characters, example, invalid inside query string values.)


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