android - Error after install phonegap-plugin-push on Ionic 2 project -

i'm developing ionic 2/angular 2 project using amazon sns/gcm.

i need send , receive push messages via gcm.

i installed push plugin using command:

ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable sender_id=my_gcm_sender_id

now following error when running project on android emulator:

failure: build failed exception.   * went wrong:  execution failed task ':mergedebugresources'.  > c:\users\my user\documents\projetos\my-project\app\platforms\android\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\\play-services-base\9.2.0\res\drawable-tvdpi-v4\common_google_signin_btn_text_light_disabled.9.png: error: file path long on windows, keep below 240 characters : c:\users\my project\documents\projetos\my-project\app\platforms\android\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\\play-services-base\9.2.0\res\drawable-tvdpi-v4\common_google_signin_btn_text_light_disabled.9.png    * try:  run --stacktrace option stack trace. run --info or --debug option more log output.   0=13, 1=10  0=66, 1=85, 2=73, 3=76, 4=68, 5=32, 6=70, 7=65, 8=73, 9=76, 10=69, 11=68, 12=13, 13=10  0=13, 1=10  0=84, 1=111, 2=116, 3=97, 4=108, 5=32, 6=116, 7=105, 8=109, 9=101, 10=58, 11=32, 12=55, 13=46, 14=57, 15=51, 16=53, 17=32, 18=115, 19=101, 20=99, 21=115, 22=13, 23=10 error: error code 1 command: cmd args: /s,/c,""c:\users\my user\documents\projetos\my-project\app\platforms\android\gradlew" cdvbuilddebug -b "c:\users\my user\documents\projetos\my-project\app\platforms\android\build.gradle" -pcdvbuildarch=x86 -dorg.gradle.daemon=true -pandroid.usedeprecatedndk=true"   caught exception:  undefined  mind letting know? 

also app not running on emulator.

how make project run using push plugin?


cause: path file

"c:\users\my project\documents\projetos\my-project\app\platforms\android\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\\play-services-base\9.2.0\res\drawable-tvdpi-v4\common_google_signin_btn_text_light_disabled.9.png"

has more 240 characters.

solution: move project

"c:\users\my project\documents\projetos\"



more details: android studio: “execution failed task ':app:mergedebugresources'” if project created on drive c:

not duplicated question, different questions same cause.


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