css - How to stretch the content in html -

i have content, however, want stretch content make fit whole. need help!

.subtext10 {    margin-left: 210px;    margin-top: 90px;    font-size: 9.2pt;    line-height: 20px;  }
<div class="text5">    <p class="subtext10">has equipped me knowledge in modules such      <br>business environment, service excellence,      <br>entrepreneurship, executive lounge service,      <br>housekeeping services, hospitality sales & marketing      <br>and event & catering management      <br>essential in field</p>  </div>

remove break tags (<br>) , margins:

block-level elements, such paragraphs (<p>) , divs, naturally stretch full available width of containers. read more block formatting context.

.subtext10 {    font-size: 9.2pt;    line-height: 20px;  }
<div class="text5">    <p class="subtext10">has equipped me knowledge in modules such business       environment, service excellence, entrepreneurship, executive lounge service,       housekeeping services, hospitality sales & marketing , event & catering management       essential in field</p>  </div>


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