How to implement MongoDB query in Laravel 5? -

i created mongodb query have use in laravel controller.

my query

db.pms.aggregate([     { $match: { "panelid": "a00898" } },     {          $project: { eventts: 1, mainspower: 1, }      },     {         $unwind: {             path: "$mainspower",             includearrayindex: "arrayindex",             preservenullandemptyarrays: true         }     },     {         $project: {             mainspower: 1,             timestamp: {                 "$add": [                     "$eventts",                     { "$multiply": [ 60000, "$arrayindex" ] }                 ]             }         }     } ]); 

i tried use query in laravel function little confused. please me how implement query in laravel.

perform raw expressions on internal mongocollection object run aggregation:

$result = db => collection('pms')->raw(function ($collection){     return $collection->aggregate(array(         array( '$match' => array( "panelid" => "a00898" ) ),         array( '$project' => array( 'eventts' => 1, 'mainspower' => 1 ) ),         array(             '$unwind' => array(                 'path' => "$mainspower",                 'includearrayindex' => "arrayindex",                 'preservenullandemptyarrays' => true             )         ),         array(             '$project' => array(                 '_id' => 0,                 'mainspower' => 1,                 'timestamp' => array(                     "$add" => array(                         "$eventts",                         array( "$multiply" => array( 60000, "$arrayindex" ) )                     )                 )             )         )     )); }); 


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