angularjs - angular directive doesnt render the template, after adding html dynamically in controller -

my problem directive doesnt show template. added html tag specific name in controller dom via "$sce.trustashtml(taskdirective)" , "$compile(taskdirective)($scope)". controller-function inside directive called. template not showing up.

im using $stateprovider, calls "taskdetailctrl" html.

anybody can help?

thank you!+


app.controller("taskdetailctrl", function ($scope, $state, $stateparams, $sce, $compile) {      cur_task = $stateparams.newtask;     $scope.title = cur_task.title;     var taskdirective = "<" + cur_task.type + "taskdirective" + "></" + cur_task.type + "taskdirective" + ">";     $scope.showtask = $sce.trustashtml(taskdirective);     $compile(taskdirective)($scope);  }); 


app.directive('clicktaskdirective', function () {     return {         restrict: 'e',         template: '<ion-content style="padding: 20px;" class="text-center"><br><br><h1>{{tasktitle}}</h1><br><br><h4>{{tasktext}}</h4><br><br><button class="button button-block button-stable" ng-click="start()">stimmt!</button></ion-content>',          controller: function ($scope, $state, $stateparams) {              console.log("this showing up!")         }     } }); 


<div ng-bind-html="showtask"></div> 

$sce.trustashtml , ng-bind-html not meant build html directives. technique not work.

this because angular works first compiling , linking. see conceptual overview explaination.

in short, time link html defined in trustashtml, late angular compile (and therefore understand) directive.

in order dynamically add html, should looking @ $compile service (and/or directives). docs here.

although adding solution problem below:

 1. make below directive compile , append directive element specified it.      app.directive('compile', function($compile) {       // directive factory creates link function       return function(scope, element, attrs) {         scope.$watch(           function(scope) {             // watch 'compile' expression changes             return scope.$eval(attrs.compile);           },           function(value) {             // when 'compile' expression changes             // assign current dom             element.html(value);              // compile new dom , link current             // scope.             // note: compile .childnodes             // don't infinite loop compiling ourselves             $compile(element.contents())(scope);           }         );       };     })   2. controller    ----------      app.controller("taskdetailctrl", function ($scope, $state, $stateparams, $sce, $compile) {          cur_task = $stateparams.newtask;         $scope.title = cur_task.title;         $scope.showtask = "<" + cur_task.type + "taskdirective" + "></" + cur_task.type + "taskdirective" + ">";      });   3. html  <div compile="showtask"></div> 


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