php - Laravel Blade - User Allowed to Input Variable -

i'm making admin setting section of laravel 5.2 app using storage package thetispro/laravel5-setting.

i'd admin users able update email copy sent out user, of emails include variables such users name. "thanks shopping us, customer name".

i can store following in setting, when blade outputs it prints out string instead of variable. i've tried escaped , nonescaped characters {{}} , {{!! !!}. here's have:

email message admin user can edit:

<h2>hi, {{ $user->name }}</h2> <p>welcome web app</p> 

in view have:

{!! setting::get('emailuserinvite') !!} <br /><br /> <!-- testing both escaped , nonescaped versions --> {{ setting::get('emailuserinvite') }} 

what blade renders just:

echo "<h2>hi, {{ $user->name }}</h2> <p>welcome web app</p>"; 

i trying make custom blade directive close echo, display variable , open echo up, doesn't seem working correctly either.

// appserviceprovider blade::directive('echobreak', function ($expression) {   // echo "my string " . $var . " close string";   $var = $expression;   return "' . $var . '"; });  // admin user settings hi @echobreak($user->name) welcome web app 

any advice appreciated! thanks.


i mocked simple test case using @abdou-tahiri's example i'm still getting errors eval()'d code.

errorexception in settingcontroller.php(26) : eval()'d code line 1:   undefined variable: user 

and here simple controller:

<?php  namespace app\http\controllers;  use illuminate\http\request;  use app\http\requests; use blade;  class settingcontroller extends controller {      public function index() {         $user = [             "fname" => "sam",             "lname" => "yerkes"];         $str = '{{ $user }}';         return $this->bladecompile($str, $user);     }      private function bladecompile($value, array $args = [])     {         $generated = \blade::compilestring($value);         ob_start() , extract($args, extr_skip);         try {             eval('?>'.$generated);         }          catch (\exception $e) {             ob_get_clean(); throw $e;         }         $content = ob_get_clean();         return $content;     }  } 

you may need compile string using blade , check helper function :

function blade_compile($value, array $args = array()) {     $generated = \blade::compilestring($value);      ob_start() , extract($args, extr_skip);      // we'll include view contents parsing within catcher     // can avoid wsod errors. if exception occurs     // throw out exception handler.     try     {         eval('?>'.$generated);     }      // if caught exception, we'll silently flush output     // buffer no partially rendered views thrown out     // client , confuse user junk.     catch (\exception $e)     {         ob_get_clean(); throw $e;     }      $content = ob_get_clean();      return $content; } 

so in view file :

{!! blade_compile(setting::get('emailuserinvite'),compact('user')) !!} 

check is there way compile blade template string?


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