issues in buiding Slate with Docker -

i have tried build slate using docker, modified changes not affected when compile source. in source path have below files.


from debian:latest maintainer fed volume /usr/src/app/source expose 4567  run apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y ruby git ruby-dev make gcc zlib1g-dev nodejs && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*  run gem install bundler run git clone /slate workdir "/slate" run bundle install cmd ["bundle", "exec", "middleman", "server", "--force-polling"] 


slate:   build: .   ports:    - 4567:4567   volumes:    - ./source:/slate/source    - ./build:/slate/build 


.phony: build build:   docker-compose build up:   docker-compose compile:    docker-compose run slate bundle exec middleman build --clean 

when tried make compile output shows

docker-compose run slate bundle exec middleman build --clean   create  build/stylesheets/screen.css   create  build/stylesheets/print.css   create  build/images/navbar.png   create  build/images/logo.png   create  build/fonts/slate.svg   create  build/fonts/slate.woff   create  build/fonts/slate.woff2   create  build/fonts/slate.ttf   create  build/fonts/slate.eot   create  build/javascripts/all.js   create  build/javascripts/all_nosearch.js   create  build/index.html   project built 

and when execute make build

docker-compose build building slate step 1 : debian:latest  ---> 1b088884749b step 2 : maintainer fed  ---> using cache  ---> f36ba5d1e018 step 3 : volume /usr/src/app/source  ---> using cache  ---> d97292401c69 step 4 : expose 4567  ---> using cache  ---> 5ae0ecc71451 step 5 : run apt-get update && apt-get install -y ruby git ruby-dev make gcc zlib1g-dev nodejs && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*  ---> using cache  ---> c83e099e40ee step 6 : run gem install bundler  ---> using cache  ---> 4cc13ce89152 step 7 : run git clone /slate  ---> using cache  ---> 1ec325b7dc6b step 8 : workdir "/slate"  ---> using cache  ---> 8cc73cafc405 step 9 : run bundle install  ---> using cache  ---> 150ed469b196 step 10 : cmd bundle exec middleman server --force-polling  ---> using cache  ---> 9c2142617887 built 9c2142617887 

and when execute make up

docker-compose starting docs_slate_1 attaching docs_slate_1 slate_1  | == middleman loading slate_1  | == view site @ "http://localhost:4567", "" slate_1  | == inspect site configuration @ "http://localhost:4567/__middleman", "" 

but when go browser( boot2docker ip) , check shows original slate installation not modified changes have done file in source folder. build folder in path have not been updated.

anyone can identify have done wrong here? i'm new docker.


try this: docker-compose --build


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