javascript - Can't able to insert data into database using jQuery & AJAX in php -

i can insert data database using pure php , mysql. can't able insert data database using jquery & ajax in php. 1 error showing ajax error: i.e please check network connection. please me solve problem.

my jquery ajax code, php code, html code given below.

html --- news.php

    <div id="error"></div>                 <form method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" name="newsform">    <div class="form-group">     <label class="control-label col-sm-2">news heading</label>     <div class="col-sm-10">       <input type="text" class="form-control" id="newsheading" name="newsheading" placeholder="enter news heading">     </div>   </div> <!--news heading-->    <div class="form-group">     <label class="control-label col-sm-2">news source url</label>     <div class="col-sm-10">       <input type="text" class="form-control" id="newssource" name="newssource" placeholder="enter news source url">     </div>   </div> <!--news source-->    <div class="form-group">     <label class="control-label col-sm-2">news content</label>     <div class="col-sm-10">       <textarea class="form-control" rows="3" id="newscontent" name="newscontent" placeholder="news content"></textarea>     </div>   </div><!--news data-->    <div class="form-group">      <div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">       <button type="submit" id="postnews" name="postnews" class="btn bg-red">submit</button>     </div>   </div> <!--submit button-->   </form> 

if write simple php codes in news.php works & inserts data database.

<?php                  if(isset($_post['postnews'])===true)             {                 $heading = $_post['newsheading'];                 $source = $_post['newssource'];                 $content = $_post['newscontent'];                 $query = mysql_query("insert `news`(`news_heading`,`news_source`,`news_content`) values('$heading','$source','$content')");              } ?> 

the below scripts show ajax network connection error. can't insert data database.

jquery & ajax

<script>       $(document).ready(function(){          $("#postnews").click(function(){             var newsheading = $("#newsheading").val();             var newssource = $("#newssource").val();             var newscontent = $("#newscontent").val();             var datastring = 'newsheading='+newsheading+'&newssource='+newssource+'&newscontent='+newscontent;              alert(datastring); //             if($.trim(newsheading).length>0 && $.trim(newssource).length>0 && $.trim(newscontent).length>0)             {               $.ajax({                    type: "post",                    url: "core/news-post-process.php",                    data: datastring,                    cache: false,                    beforesend: function(){     $("#error").html("<div class='alert alert-primary bg-primary'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><strong>please wait, processing.</strong> </div>");    $("#postnews").html("<i class='fa fa-spinner fa-pulse'></i><span class='sr-only'>loading...</span> posting....");  },                    success: function(data){                           if(data=="success"){                               $("#error").html("<div class='alert alert-success bg-green'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><strong>successfully inserted</strong> </div>");                           }                           else{                                   $("#error").html("<div class='alert bg-red'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><strong>can't insert</strong> </div>");                           }                    },                     error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, errorthrown) {                          if (xmlhttprequest.readystate == 4) {             // http error (can checked xmlhttprequest.status , xmlhttprequest.statustext)              $("#error").html("<div class='alert bg-yellow'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><strong>http request error</strong> </div>");          }         else if (xmlhttprequest.readystate == 0) {             // network error (i.e. connection refused, access denied due cors, etc.)             $("#error").html("<div class='alert bg-yellow'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><strong>please check network connection</strong> </div> ");          }         else {             // weird happening              $("#error").html("<div class='alert bg-yellow'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><strong>some error occured</strong> </div>");         }                     }               });             }          });        });     </script> 


<?php error_reporting( e_all & ~e_deprecated & ~e_notice ); if(!mysql_connect("localhost","root","")) {     die('oops connection problem ! --> '.mysql_error()); } if(!mysql_select_db("admin")) {     die('oops database selection problem ! --> '.mysql_error()); }  ?> 


<?php session_start(); include_once 'dbconnect.php';  if(isset($_post['newsheading']) && isset($_post['newssource']) && isset($_post['newscontent'])) {   $newsheading = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['newsheading']);   $newssource = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['newssource']);   $newscontent = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['newscontent']);    /*$newsheading = trim($newsheading);   $newssource = trim($newssource);   $newscontent = trim($newscontent);*/    $query = mysql_query("insert `news`(`news_heading`,`news_source`,`news_content`) values('".$newsheading."','".$newssource."','".$newscontent."')");   if ($query) {         echo "sucess";     }     else{         echo "failed";      } }   ?> 

why jquery , ajax won't work ??

change form tag this....

     <form class="form-horizontal" role="form" name="newsform">     </form> 

when comes using ajax post data , u notice writing method in ajax call like:

 $.ajax({     method:"post",      });    

so don't need in form tag mention post method


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