c# - XML-File i send to the API gets encoded, how to prevent that? -

i using api download xml file , read it, works perfectly.

now want add , upload new version of xml-file, gets encoded , 1 cant read xml reader. looks this:


i know encode using httputility.urldecode, have better solution, because xml gets stored way on server not want.

here code use send request:

string test = xmlfile.insert(index, topic); // byte[] bytes = encoding.default.getbytes(test); // test = encoding.utf8.getstring(bytes);  messagebox.show(test);  iconsumerrequest getfilerequest = consumersession     .request()     .formethod("put")     .foruri(new uri(apiendpoint + "/1/documents/" + documentid + "/upload"))     .withbody(test)     .signwithtoken(accesstoken);  string getfileresponse = getfilerequest.tostring(); 

i use devdefined.oauth.framework.

got it, gotta this:

iconsumerrequest getfilerequest = consumersession     .request()     .formethod("put")     .foruri(new uri(apiendpoint + "/1/documents/" + documentid + "/upload"))     .withrawcontent(test, encoding.utf8)     .withrawcontenttype("text/xml")     .signwithtoken(accesstoken); 


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