ios - MNMBottomPullToRefresh how to load items without dragging -

i working on table view using mnmbottompulltorefresh ,i trying modification in mnmbottompulltorefresh, in mnmbottompulltorefresh if drag table display new data want when reach @ bottom should load data automatically indicator below in picture,any 1 know how ?? enter image description here

i have implemented solution each api hit gives me 10 results these displays in table if user scroll every 7th (7,17,27,...) start download set of 10 records below code way not stuck user , increase can remove mbprogresshud.

-(void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview willdisplaycell:(uitableviewcell *)cell forrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     nsuinteger rowindex=[self.arraytickets count]-3;     if (indexpath.row>rowindex)     {         nsinteger pagecounttemp=(self.arraytickets.count/10)+1;         if (self.pagecount==pagecounttemp)             return;//no more data load;         self.pagecount=pagecounttemp;         self.isloadingmore=yes;         //[mbprogresshud showhudaddedto:self.view animated:yes];         nsnumber* pagenumber=[nsnumber numberwithinteger:self.pagecount];         nsdictionary* dictparam=@{kauth_token:[[networkapicaller getinstance]getauthtoken],kfetch_limit:@10,@"pageno":pagenumber};          [[networkapicaller getinstance]sendrequestwithparams:dictparam withdelegate:self forapi:api_get_owned_tickets];     } } 


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