ajax - grails render template is not responding correctly -

i using grails 2.4.3. have ajax call list of object. list ok. has 10 elements. problem when want send list model not behaving correctly. nothing generated in g:each block in template although have 10 records. can please me on please? here attempts below ::

my ajax call >>>

$.ajax({         type:'post',         data:{id: 1},         url:'/mdnote/getcaretopictemplate/',         success:function(data,textstatus){             $modal.find('.modal-body').empty().append(data);             $modal.find('.modal-title').empty().append(cfg.title);             $modal.modal('show');         },         error:function(xmlhttprequest,textstatus,errorthrown){},         complete:function(xmlhttprequest,textstatus){}     }); 

my controller action >>>

def getcaretopictemplate() {     def caretopiclist = mdnoteservice.caretopiclist()     render(template: '/md/patient/existingtemplateradiodiv', model: [caretopiclist: caretopiclist]) } 

my template >>>

<div class="row" id="existingtemplateradiodiv">     <div class="form-group" style="margin-left: 10px;">         hello , outer text.         <g:each in="${caretopiclist}" var="caretopiclist" status="i">             inner text.         </g:each>     </div> </div> 

my list in ide console >>>

enter image description here

in view page after render template >>>

enter image description here

you need change name you're giving var in <g:each> tag. you're telling use same variable, caretopiclist, you're iterating over. below should trick.

<g:each in="${caretopiclist}" var="caretopic" status="i"> 


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