node.js - Node sendgrid ICAS/ICS invitation -

i using npm sendgrid node sendgrid github

with have created following module:

    var path = require('path'),     emailtemplates = require('email-templates'),     async = require("async"),     mailconfig = require('../config/email.json'),     templates = require('../config/emailtemplates.json'),     _ = require('lodash'),     sendgrid = require('sendgrid')(mailconfig.sendgridapikey),     fs = require("fs");     var mymailer = {};  /**  * sends email either 1 or multiple users  * @param template_id (the id key of template. can found in emailtemplates.json  * @param string or array  * @param string  * @param subject string  * @param keyreplacer array of objects keys replace in template  * @param files array of file objects  */ mymailer.sendtemplate = function (template_id, to, from, subject, keyreplacer, section, text, files) {     var email = new, templatekey = templates[template_id];      if (templatekey) {         email.setsmtpapitos(to);         email.subject = subject;         email.from = from;         email.text = text;         email.html = 'gief html nu:d';         email.setfilters({             "templates": {                 "settings": {                     "enable": 1,                     "template_id": templatekey                 }             }         });         email.smtpapi.header.sub = preparesub(keyreplacer, section);         email.smtpapi.header.section = preparesection(section);         email.files = prepareattachement(files);         sendgrid.send(email);     } else {         console.log('incorrect key');     } }; 

now of mails wish send invitation can accepted in calendar. have no idea how , cant seem find information on subject.

has tried sending using sendgrid ? , if can point me in right direction?

if willing upgrade newest version of node.js sendgrid client library, may find v3 /mail/send endpoint makes sending calendar invitations easier.

here example of adding content type of "text/calendar":

here documentation on new v3 /mail/send endpoint if rather use directly:


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