android studio "searched in the following locations" -

just moved eclipse. trying build existing (working) project. keeps giving me error

error:could not find
searched in following locations: file:/c:/utils/androidstudio/gradle/m2repository/com/google/android/gms/play-services/9.2.0/play-services-9.2.0.pom
required by: :personal_weather:unspecified

the library not in studio directory (androidstudio), in sdk directory (androidsdk), installation procedure insisted upon. have installed google repository using sdk manager. in project setup have correct location of sdk. how force in correct directory?

the files had read far said had add classpath , compile members dependencies of gradle files. in build.gradle project in dependencies had

classpath '' 

but had added library project structure via the

file->project structure->modules->app->dependencies  

menu. so, on whim, commented out classpath statement.

in build.gradle module in dependencies had

compile '' 

which left in. compiling. there lot of conflicting information around regarding androidstudio trial , error seems way go.


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