Impala query failed for -compute incremental stats databsename.table name -

we scooping data netezza hadoop non-partitioned tables , non-partition partitioned insert overwrite method. after running compute incremental stats databasename.tablename on partitioned tables query failed of partitions error

could not execute command: compute incremental stats , no such file or directory file in partitioned directory.

you can run refresh statement before computing stats refresh metadata right away. may necessary wait few seconds before computing stats if refresh statement return code 0 past experience has shown metadata still refreshing after return code given. won't typically won't see issue unless script executing these commands sequentially.

refresh yourtablename compute stats yourtablename 

as of impala 2.3 can use alter table recover partitions instead of refresh metadata or repair table.

alter yourtablename recover partitions compute stats yourtablename 


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