json - Data-Driven Testing in Protractor -

i new protractor. can please guide me data driven testing using protractor. below code, config file , testdata.json file.

'use strict';  var testdata = require('../example/test data/test.json');  describe('loginpage', function() {  var logindata = require('../example/test data/test.json');  testdata.foreach(function (data) {     it("data.description", function (data) {         browser.get(""); element(by.model("username")).sendkeys(data.username); element(by.model("password")).sendkeys(data.passwordfield);  element(by.buttontext("authenticate")).click();  }); }); });   

config file:

 // example configuration file. exports.config = { directconnect: true,  //seleniumaddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', // capabilities passed webdriver instance. capabilities: { 'browsername': 'chrome'  },  // framework use. jasmine recommended. framework: 'jasmine',  // spec patterns relative current working directory when // protractor called. specs: ['testpage.js'],  // options passed jasmine. jasminenodeopts: { defaulttimeoutinterval: 30000 } }; 

json file:

[ {  "username": "admin",  "passwordfield": "admin" },  { "username": "admin1", "passwordfield": "admin2" } ] 

issue instead of taking data , writing undefined in input boxes. please help

i assuming array of objects, can iterate each array element , directly access contents , don't need testdata.foreach(), try -

 'use strict';  var testdata = require('../example/test data/test.json');  describe('loginpage', function() {  var logindata = require('../example/test data/test.json');   it("data.description", function () {     browser.get("");     element(by.model("username")).sendkeys(testdata[0].username);     element(by.model("password")).sendkeys(testdata[0].passwordfield);      element(by.buttontext("authenticate")).click();     });   });  });   

i haven't tested above code , should use page objects rather directly using them in tests!


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