symbolic math - Efficiently programming in Maple -

i need tips on efficiently programming in maple (as in computer algebra software). efficient not mean making program/code more efficient (performancewise) rather efficiently working maple codes. ironic, quite spoiled software , tools developed programming in languages such c/c++ e.g. : ide, debuging tools (watches, breakpoints, etc. etc.), compilers , language structure (object orientedness, more flexibility procedures, overloading, passing reference or value etc.). in sense feel more comfortable programming in c/c++ (i use visual studio) or in script languages python (no real debugging feel more in control , discipline working).

maple on other hand, 1 of few languages (somehow have similar problems other cas maybe lesser degree) feel not have discipline. tried working text file (most people call .mpl files) , read text file in maple , load text file maple e.g. read("some.mpl"), allows me diff changes when using version control svn or git (the .mws or other maple file format aren't version control friendly). on fly programming can cumbersome ide takes long time loading , feels heavy. write codes in notepad++ (working in windows) , costumized "run" in notepad++ menu call cmaple (the console version of maple) , read .mpl files on fly. few steps took me work more efficiently. think can more , appreciate tips. right instance, feel maple (unlike in programming languages in c, python, java etc.) not work when 1 has many procedures. in c/c++ or c-like languages, can practically inline code procedure , call them individually , weird behaviour if in maple. even, functions , maple commands behave differently when within procedure (i have experience such thing when instance wanting svd or lu decomposition within procedure). 1 has careful when working nested loops (e.g. print command have levels not appear if reach level of nested loop in procedure , other things sure still not know) , many other things gets irritating in long run.

so think have idea tools/softwares use make programming easier when working in maple. still not know how program , more efficiently in maple. initiated c programmer many things unintuitive , annoying in maple. there other things should cautious when programming in maple (e.g. unusual behaviours when reading several .mpl files in .mpl file, different types of global/local variables, saving of variables in worksheet, backward compatibility between maple versions etc.). better ask reference/book provide these advises. record: have been programming in maple (seriously) more 2 years , still not feel comfortable in first 6 months when first learned program in c.

if you're looking written guide, maple programming guide best resource out there @ moment getting started (though if you've been programming in maple few years, may have moved past already). distributed maplesoft , available in documentation center. i've heard things 'understanding maple'.

that said, there's more can learn tagged maple on stackexchange or more importantly maple user community @ cover variety of topics in post, might try add short code example @ mapleprimes in order further explore topic maple experts there.


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