- in extjs error in fill combo with ajax request -

working code:

var customstore = new{      model: 'user',     proxy: {         type: 'ajax',         url: 'http://test/service1.svc/getoperator',         pageparam: false,          startparam: false,          limitparam: false,          nocache: false,           params: {             storeid: 31         },         autosync: true,         reader: {             type: 'json',             root: 'users'         }      },      autoload: true }); 

ext.define('user', {     extend: '',     fields: [         { name: 'staffid', type: 'string' },         { name: 'name', type: 'string' }     ] }); 

declare bind

               }, {                id: 'cmbappoperator',                itemid: 'operatorid',                name:,                fieldlabel: 'operator',                xtype: 'combo',                anchor: '60%',                store: customstore,                valuefield: 'staffid',                displayfield: 'name',                querymode: 'local',                allowblank: false            }, 

this working code below json

but error same change in url request

the json responce below:

[  {   "name": "-any operator-",  "staffid": 0  },  {  "name": "aa manzie",  "staffid": 37  }, { "name": "tttt sadsad", "staffid": 33 } ] 

"{\"operatorlistforappointment\":[{\"name\":\" operator \",\"operatorid\":0},{\"name\":\"aa manzie\",\"operatorid\":37}]}"

below code

var customstore = new{

    model: 'user',     proxy: {         type: 'ajax',         limitparam: 'false',         nocache: false,         pageparam: 'false',         startparam: 'false',                      url: 'https://test/pos/salesservice.svc/getoperatorlistforappointments',         params: {             storeid: 31,             shiftdate: '2016-07-05 04:29:36.840',             databasename: 'db_test'         },         autosync: true,         reader: {             type: 'json',             root: 'users'         }      },      autoload: true }); 

     ext.define('user', {     extend: '',     fields: [         { name: 'operatorid', type: 'string' },         { name: 'name', type: 'string' }     ] }); 

              }, {                id: 'cmbappoperator',                itemid: 'operatorid',                name:,                fieldlabel: 'operator',                xtype: 'combo',                anchor: '60%',                store: customstore,                valuefield: 'operatorid',                displayfield: 'name',                querymode: 'local',                allowblank: false            }, 

i confused please let me know wrong.

the root property has defined operatorlistforappointment in store proxy instead of users response json contains array attribute operatorlistforappointment.


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