c# - How to play different .wav when click button on wpf -

i try play different listed .wav sound every click button queue apps on hospital or bank.

i have no idea make on 1 button.

this xaml code:

<window x:class="wpfapplication8.mainwindow"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     title="mainwindow" height="350" width="296.477"> <grid margin="0,0,2,0">     <grid.columndefinitions>         <columndefinition width="17*"/>         <columndefinition width="15*"/>         <columndefinition width="254*"/>         <columndefinition width="0*"/>     </grid.columndefinitions>     <button content="next" margin="10,251,175,0" verticalalignment="top" click="button_click" rendertransformorigin="1.169,0.851" height="59" fontsize="20" fontweight="bold" grid.columnspan="3"/>     <button content="reset" horizontalalignment="left" margin="150.474,251,0,0" verticalalignment="top" width="94" click="button_click_1" grid.column="2" height="59" fontsize="20" fontweight="bold"/>     <textbox x:name="number" horizontalalignment="left" height="132" margin="10,85,0,0" textwrapping="wrap" verticalalignment="top" width="216" fontsize="96" fontweight="bold" rendertransformorigin="0.689,0.462" text="0" grid.column="1" isreadonly="true" textalignment="center" grid.columnspan="2" textchanged="number_textchanged"/>     <label content="no antrian ke:" horizontalalignment="left" margin="0,10,0,0" verticalalignment="top" width="259" fontsize="36" grid.column="1" height="53" fontweight="bold" grid.columnspan="2"/>     <button content="nomor urut" horizontalalignment="left" verticalalignment="top" width="75" grid.column="1" margin="0,224,0,0" click="button_click_2" grid.columnspan="2"/>     <button content="angka" horizontalalignment="left" verticalalignment="top" width="75" grid.column="2" margin="65,224,0,0" click="button_click_3"/>  </grid> 

and xaml.cs code:

    int counter = 0;       private void button_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {              counter++;         number.text = counter.tostring();      }      private void button_click_1(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         counter = 0;         number.text = counter.tostring();              }      private void number_textchanged(object sender, textchangedeventargs e)     {      }      private void button_click_2(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         system.media.soundplayer         player = new system.media.soundplayer         (@"d:\teknik diii mi\semester 2\project ferdi\wpfapplication8\sounds\sounds\nomor-urut.wav");         player.play();     }      private void button_click_3(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         system.media.soundplayer         player = new system.media.soundplayer         (@"d:\teknik diii mi\semester 2\project ferdi\wpfapplication8\sounds\sounds\satu.wav");         player.play();     } } 


sorry im still learn, pls give me suggest.


just put files want play in list or array. save current index of file in list. can implement method iterates through list , plays next track:

public class playlistplayer {     private int _currenttitle = 0;     private readonly list<string> _playlist;     private soundplayer _player;      public playlistplayer()     {         _playlist = new list<string>         {             "c:\a.wav",             "c:\b.wav"         };          _player = new soundplayer();     }      private void next()     {         _currenttitle += 1;          //if @ end of playlist start 0         if (_playlist.count > _currenttitle)             _currenttitle = 0;          var nexttitle = _playlist[_currenttitle];         starttrack(nexttitle);     }      private void starttrack(string track)     {         _player.stop();         _player.soundlocation = track;         _player.play();     } } 


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