jira - Webhook not working -
i have done following: 1) created project in jira name "project1" , added work flow "wf1" it. 2) created webhook "wb1"and added webhook post function work flow "wf1".
now trying call java rest api webhook "wb1". url rest api "http://pc93112.uk.rebushr.com:8080/jiraintegration/rest/jiraservice/records" appreciated question : how can pass issue key (issue has been edited in jira) rest api. when tried below url getting text “${issue.key}” instead of issue key. http://pc93112.uk.rebushr.com:8080/jiraintegration/rest/jiraservice/records?issue=${issue.key}
the jira webhook documentation mentions limitation, reason:
if using jira 5.2.2 or earlier, there known issues when using jql webhooks: ${issue.key} variable replacement not work in webhook, when webhook used in workflow post function. note, ${issue.key} variable replacement work when issue event triggers webhook.
if that's not it, configure webhook include body in requests mention info affected issue this:
"issue": { "expand":"renderedfields,names,schema,transitions,operations,editmeta,changelog", "id":"99291", "self":"https://jira.atlassian.com/rest/api/2/issue/99291", "key":"jra-20002", "fields":{ "summary":"i feel need speed", "created":"2009-12-16t23:46:10.612-0600", "description":"make issue nav load 10x faster", "labels":["ui", "dialogue", "move"], "priority": "minor" } }
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