seo - Tracking Conversions on External Website with Google Analytics -

i have booking site refers customers other companies websites confirm , pay bookings. make money off of conversions, not clickthroughs. these sites owned other corporations , not have access website code, clarify.

i know can use ga track clickthroughs site, how track actual conversions?

you cannot track conversions on site unless agree send data you. that's answer, included bit more info below.

your business model of affiliate. affiliate tracking works appending parameter link goes website partner website. partner website has take care parameter persisted throughout booking process. on confirmation page, if id present, send beacon informs booking has happened.

that beacon image pixel on server; if pixel called writes line logfile contains information passed via image source (e.g. total price if renumeration depends on revenue). if want can use google analytics; unlikely partner site agrees implement fledged ga implementation cross domain tracking, use measurement protocol construct web beacon implemented image pixel sends data ga account. if submit not affiliate id, client id visit referred partner site attribute conversion original traffic source.

but conversion tracking have rely on cooperation (and honesty) of parters. there no way record transactions on sites without sort of tracking code.


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