node.js - Redirect to a URL fragment resets session on Chrome (Node/React/React-Router) -

i have app using node on backend , react (with hash history) on front end.

this means api endpoint urls like:

and react endpoints fragments root:

after logging user in (through oauth2) want redirect user specific url fragment within react spa.

my first thought doing have server redirect me url fragment.

my route handler looks like:

app.get('/oauthcallback', (req, res) => {     req.session.token = 'some token'     redirect('/#/someloggedinpage') } 

in safari works fine , further api requests made spa have share same req.session , therefore have token , can make authenticated downstream requests.

however, in chrome, upon redirection next api request causes creation of new session, losing token , preventing authenticated requests succeeding.

everything works fine when redirect api endpoint (not in spa).

it not work if redirect /, root of spa.

i'm wondering if there don't know how chrome handles url fragments , sessions.

so after 3 days of misery i've worked out.

turns out not chrome exhibiting incorrect behaviour, safari.

the library using making xhr requests not send cookies server client request unless include option: credentials: 'same-origin.

for example:

fetch(endpoint, { method, headers, credentials: 'same-origin' })     .then(res => {         //     }); 

looks safari sending them anyway, causes confusion. someone.


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