Understanding load path in Ruby -

i working library has lot of ruby files generated protocol buffers ruby.

the example of require path follows file in /path/to/source_folder/lib_name/level_1/level_2/level_3

require 'lib_name/level_1/level_2/level_3/file_name_1'  require 'lib_name/level_1/level_2/level_3/file_name_2'  

all necessary files , folders contained inside source_folder location. had example been in c++ can run using

g++ file_name.cpp -i "/path/to/source_folder" 

i cannot change every require require_relative , make changes main code cumbersome. trying find simple way run files.

i have 2 solution.

% tree . . ├── lib │   └── dir1 │       └── dir2 │           ├── a.rb │           └── b.rb └── main.rb  % cat a.rb def method_a   puts :execute_a end  % cat b.rb def method_b   puts :execute_b end 

no.1 add load path sub directories

def add_load_path_recursive(dir)   dir.glob(dir + "/**/*/").each |dir|     $load_path << file.expand_path(dir)   end end  add_load_path_recursive "./lib"  require 'a' require 'b'  method_a method_b 

no.2 require 'rb' files (recursive)

def require_recursive(dir)   dir.glob(dir + "/**/*.rb").each |dir|     require file.expand_path(dir)   end end  require_recursive "./lib"  method_a method_b 


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