jsf 2.2 - Is the class extending ClientBehaviorBase can be considered as an injection target? -

the bean defined simple follows:

@named @requestscoped public class confirmbean {      private string confirmmsg;      public confirmbean(){         confirmmsg = "are sure want delete file ?";     }        // getters & setters            } 

and class inheriting clientbehaviorbase

@facesbehavior(value = "confirm") public class confirmdeletebehavior extends clientbehaviorbase {      @inject     confirmbean confirmbean;     //@inject     //confirmejbbean confirmejbbean;     //@ejb     //confirmejbbean confirmejbbean;      @override     public string getscript(clientbehaviorcontext behaviorcontext) {         return "return confirm('"+confirmbean.getconfirmmsg()+"');";     } } 

with taglib file-

    <namespace>http://www.custom.tags/jsf/delete</namespace>     <tag>         <tag-name>confirmdelete</tag-name>         <behavior>             <behavior-id>confirm</behavior-id>         </behavior>     </tag> 

with entry context-param in web.xml-

<context-param>     <param-name>javax.faces.facelets_libraries</param-name>     <param-value>/web-inf/taglib/delete.taglib.xml</param-value> </context-param> 

and accessing custom tag in front layer-

        <h:form>             <h:commandbutton value="delete" action="done">                 <b:confirmdelete/>             </h:commandbutton>         </h:form> 

i using glassfish application server 4.1.1 mojarra 2.2.12 version being used internally.

i got npe here-

enter image description here

it's not extending class makes not eligable injection @facesbehaviour annotation not make target of injection. little googling told me this: in jsf 2.2 not target injection, in 2.3 is.

omnifaces added support injection in facesconverters , facesvalidators used jsf 2.2 not facesbehaviour.

see also:


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