python - takefocus = NO fails to prevent tkinter.ttk.Notebook tabs from taking focus -

in following example, have set notebook not take focus, tabs skipped on while navigating widget widget using shortcuts supported enable_traversal(). works, not entirely. if tab being displayed (but doesn't have focus), pressing <alt-key> underline-style shortcut gives focus. how can prevent this?

from tkinter import * tkinter import ttk  root = tk()  nb = ttk.notebook(root, takefocus = no) nb.enable_traversal()  f1 = frame(nb) b1a = button(f1, text = 'charlie') b1b = button(f1, text = 'delta')  f2 = frame(nb) b2a = button(f2, text = 'echo') b2b = button(f2, text = 'foxtrot')  b1a.pack() b1b.pack()  b2a.pack() b2b.pack()  f1.pack() f2.pack()  nb.pack()  nb.add(f1, text = 'alpha', underline = 0) nb.add(f2, text = 'bravo', underline = 0) 

why add underline=0? remove piece of code in both lines. also, add argument takefocus=false while adding tabs. , remove takefocus when creating notebook.


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