c# - How to use the Columns of dataset -

i have result set of dataset below


now want add if condition checking below

if(dataset rows(usermail) == 10000){then go ahead} 

this code.

dataset ds = new dataset();         using (sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(configurationsettings.appsettings["connectionstring"].tostring()))         {             sqlcommand sqlcomm = new sqlcommand("get_inward_reminder_report", conn);             sqlcomm.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;             sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter();             da.selectcommand = sqlcomm;             da.fill(ds);              if(dataset rowchecking)             {              }         } 

so issue, how check , compare dataset columns.

you can below:

int first = convert.toint32(ds.tables[0].rows[0]["columnname1"].tostring()); string second = ds.tables[0].rows[0]["columnname2"].tostring(); 

so case can like:

foreach (datarow dr in ds.tables[0].rows) {     if(dr["useremail"].tostring() == "10000")     {       //do something;     }          } 


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