javascript - Enabling ng-click to open a link in browser window -

i have ng-click producing valid url data struggling open in browser window, trigger 3rd party app open.

i have tried options , got few button options(2-6) have found on stack , google, can getting open in browser?

here image of app showing console output when click on full width button , code in plunker.

    // ionic starter app      // angular.module global place creating, registering , retrieving angular modules     // 'starter' name of angular module example (also set in <body> attribute in index.html)     // 2nd parameter array of 'requires'     angular.module('starter', ['ionic','ngcordova'])      .run(function($ionicplatform) {     $ionicplatform.ready(function() {            if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.keyboard) {         // hide accessory bar default (remove show accessory bar above keyboard         // form inputs)         cordova.plugins.keyboard.hidekeyboardaccessorybar(true);          // don't remove line unless know doing. stops viewport         // snapping when text inputs focused. ionic handles internally         // nicer keyboard experience.         cordova.plugins.keyboard.disablescroll(true);         }         if(window.statusbar) {         statusbar.styledefault();         }     });     })      .config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) {      $stateprovider         .state('tabs', {         url: '/tab',         abstract: true,         templateurl: 'templates/tabs.html'         })         .state('tabs.home', {         url: '/home',         views: {             'home-tab' : {             templateurl: 'templates/home.html'             }         }         })         .state('tabs.list', {         url: '/list',         views: {             'list-tab' : {             templateurl: 'templates/list.html',             controller: 'listcontroller'             }         }         })         .state('tabs.detail', {         url: '/list/:aid',         views: {             'list-tab' : {             templateurl: 'templates/detail.html',             controller: 'listcontroller'             }         }         })          // if none of above states matched, use fallback         $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/tab/home');      })      .controller('listcontroller', ['$scope', '$http', '$state','$cordovabluetoothserial', '$location', function($scope, $http, $state, $cordovabluetoothserial, $location) {             $http.get('js/abodataonly.json').success(function(data) {             $scope.orders = data;             $scope.whichorder = $state.params.aid;             })              function onpay() {             var itemsarr = [];             var invoice = {};             var myitems = {};             var myitem = {};              myitem['name'] = "sphero";             myitem['description'] = "a robotic ball can controlled via apps";             myitem['quantity'] = "1.0";             myitem['unitprice'] = "129.00";             myitem['taxrate'] = '0.0';             myitem['taxname'] = 'tax';             itemsarr.push(myitem);             myitems['item'] = itemsarr;              invoice['itemlist'] = myitems;             invoice['paymentterms'] = 'dueonreceipt';             invoice['currencycode'] = 'gbp';             invoice['discountpercent'] = '0';             invoice['merchantemail'] = '';             invoice['payeremail'] = '';              var returnurl = '';             var returl = encodeuricomponent(returnurl + "?{result}?type={type}&invoiceid={invoiceid}&tip={tip}&email={email}&txid={txid}");             var pphereurl = "paypalhere://takepayment/v2?returnurl=" + returl;             //var pphereurl = "paypalhere://takepayment/?";             pphereurl = pphereurl + "&accepted=cash,card,paypal";             pphereurl = pphereurl + "&step=choosepayment";             pphereurl = pphereurl + '&invoice=' + escape(json.stringify(invoice));             console.log(pphereurl);              return pphereurl;          }          $ = function () {               window.location = onpay();         };      }]); 

give try

var url = onpay(); , '_blank'); 


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